Sanjeevani Institute for Empowerment & Development (SIED)

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SIED as its name suggest seeks to achieve scale in empowering people to overcome poverty. Specifically its objectives are:

To organize people into Self-Help Groups (SHGs) so that they bring about changes in their own lives and the institutions and structures that affect them.


To provide resources by the way of capacity building and material support to these groups (and their facilitators) so that they can realize their hopes and aspirations in a sustainable manner.


To network and mainstream these groups into the local developmental framework so as to enable them to avail of opportunities and resources on a long-term basis


To attempt to bring about a change in gender relationships so as to create space for gender balanced development within the family, social and institutional milieu.


To seek to bring about changes in the policy and institutional environment in favour of pro-poor development that is equitable and sustainable.

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